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Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet Review – A Hit And A Miss

Perhaps the hottest tech products in the market today are tablets. It has become a weekly occurrence where we hear about the next latest and greatest tablet, or tablet technology to grace our newsfeeds. The reason is simplicity. Here is a device that is bigger than a smartphone, smaller than a laptop, and brings a convenience and efficiency level somewhere …

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LSI Releases Nytro MegaRAID PCIe Acceleration Card to Channel Partners – Upcoming Review!

LSI’s new Nytro MegaRAID Acceleration Cards have been anticipated for some time and are now available to LSI channel partners. It’s certainly one of the more intriguing products on the market as it manages to combine LSI’s Raid-On-Chip technology, software, and flash controllers courtesy of LSI SandForce. From top to bottom, its one of those products that would be hard …

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Kingston Releases LSI Sandforce Series 5 Firmware Fix As Speed Converges With Bug Smashing

Kingston Technology, a major player in the consumer SSD segment, has recently released a new version of LSI/SandForce’s Series 5 firmware for their Hyper x/Hyper X 3K drives. The new 5.0.3 firmware apparently fixes the TRIM functionality, which was not working,in its entirety, in previous versions. Hopefully, Kingston will be only the first of many to adopt this crucial fix …

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