This comparison will show the performance of the previous driver, followed by the new.
The results can be expanded to full view by clicking on the graphic. We can see that the updated driver is exhibiting some very strong performance, with over 3GB/s! These are truly phenomenal results, and the highest that we have reached with any single storage controller that is not using cache to boost the speeds. The write results are very similar to the previous version, with some higher performance in a few areas.
Crystal Disk Benchmark is used to measure read and write performance through sampling of raw (0/1 Fill/compressible) or random data which is, for the most part, incompressible. We have provided compressible (oFill) results for CDM, choosing to leave random data results for AS SSD on the following page. The M4/C400 performs the same regardless of the compressibility of data, so the random results would be repetitive.

We can see here that the sequential file speeds are higher, but not twice as fast. Some would mistakenly think that HighPoint is referring to sequential speeds when they are referring to the 50% increase. These results successfully demonstrate true extent of the increase with the 4K random score for write speed having doubled from 55MB/s to 111 MB/s, as well as an appreciable increase in the ‘base’ 4K read speed. The improvement is also nothing short of phenomenal when comparing the 4k-QD32 results as the write speed has doubled to 434MB/s as well as that of the read speed which has also doubled, and then some.
The random scaling is excellent, with high Queue Depth read results of 506MB/s that are rarely seen outside of very expensive RAID controllers. Random speeds are the key measurement that results in perceivable performance improvements in operating system environments. With results such as these, this device would be very well suited for operating system usage.
Daddy like.
Can anyone tell me the limits of SATA I aka 150mb/s
I only need sequential read/write and randrom write 4kb
This is pretty awesome. I’m having a chat with, about whether this route would be better than just getting a PCI-E SSD equivalent. Like the RevoDrive 3.
Are those just as likely to fail in Raid 0? as they are just onboard raided Sandforce SSD’s no?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Where can I download the new driver ???
Guys, can you make the same, but using par drives on tests?
Example: with 2 SSDs, then 4 (as RAID 0) ? Of course, no need 8 since it was already tested here.
That’s great and all, but HighPoint is the kind of company that exist in eastern europe. You know what I mean? You pay them for the product, and you assume all responsibility for support of that product, it going bad, not performing as advertised, and so on. There is no customer support with HighPoint. Actually, I just tried to contact them today and their online support (which is the only way to get in touch with them) script is not posting issues, it just redirects you to a blank post your issue screen. Just absolutely lousy company.
So, if you ever consider silly highpoint, know that you won’t be getting support so you better be so good that you never need ask questions.
This was an amazing card to begin with. I want one for my gaming rig. GTX 690 first though.
What version of the raid controller firmware did you use for the benchmark ?
I’m using RR272x v1.5 bios/fw, testing with 4 x 256 GB ADATA XPG SX900
I get close to 500 Mbyte/s (read) per drive, which is great !
But there seems to be something wrong, one out of 4 drives only reach 250 MB/s,
even when moving them around, using the second port, in different combination,
one is not going as fast as the others, but it is not the same SSD drive !
Same if I put all 4 SSD on the same SAS port or 2 + 2 drives/SAS port
(I’m testing with cables from 2 vendors, no diff)
So it is not one faulty drive.
After many reboots I sometimes can get all to perform equal,
but after next reboot one is dropped down to half speed.
I have verified that I’m using a slot @ PCIe 2.0 x8 speed (5GB/s).
SSD fw is 5.02a (latest right now)
Any advice ?