Our first edition of the ‘Beauty of CeBIT 2012‘ went over with such success that we thought all might appreciate one more run through on the last day of the show for some last minute shots.
You are going to have to trust me when I say this is not as easy of a task as it seems, simply for the fact that the last day of CeBIT is open to the public or ‘end users’ as many like to say and this place is packed. In a few Hangars, there were actually lines to get in as the Hangar was full. Is that even possible?
As well, I was practically tackled by one of the beautiful women from our last post who didn’t take lightly to being termed a ‘booth babe’. I explained to her, as I would like to explain to each and every other who has allowed us to grace these pages with their beauty, that the term is simply a traffic magnet on the internet to ensure tens of thousands of people view their pictures as quickly as possible. Each person we have included in both of our postings holds a special beauty that we believe is relative to Europe. And without further adieu…
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Would you believe that Lady Gaga even made an appearance today? I don’t quite understand why but everybody kept calling her “doppelt” (loosely translated as double or look alike).
get naked!!!