Up very early once again to try and get a little background of the previous days activities out so our readership has the goods first and foremost.
I have to admit that I am amazed at how many bloggers and sites can find the time to get things up so fast. We never had a chance to even pull the laptop out but for a few minutes during lunch, for the most part, which was a step up because yesterday we never even had time for lunch.
Todays summary is going to be overshadowed by words like ’embargo’ and ‘NDA’ which simply speaks of non-disclosure agreements and things that cannot be stated publicly as of yet. I can say that when you here such things, it does mean that something new and exciting is on the horizon.
Our day started with a great meeting with Zalman, a new entry into the SSD world and we made the treck to the Mirage for a ‘one on one’ with Zalman and we saw first hand what traffic in Vegas can be like. We left bright and early for a 20 minute bus ride which became a 55 minute ride where we finally hopped out and tried to get a cab which also wasn’t very successful which meant we were on foot. The mixture of tens of thousands of people trying to be the first into CES tied with a small ACID spill which shut down a grid of traffic didn’t help things. We then learned that Vegas is the No.1 city for pedestrian acccidents in the country.
We were off to the Encore, on foot, to meet with Samsung SSI and we, not only cemented a great relationship, but also exchanged some ideas which are going to be great for the site. From there, we headed into the Dragon’s Den, otherwise known as CES, and had booth tours with Samsung Consumer division, Corsair and visited Super Talent briefly before meetings with Intel.

This was the first chance we have had to establish a relationship with Intel and was I impressed!!! Much can’t be said of this discussion which is all very good. What Intel was very careful to explain was that they are currently the top company in customer satisfaction and their commitment to the customer was such that there won’t be a product released before its time. If we read this in its proper context, it means that there will be some very exciting things happening in upcoming months.

A very clear observation was also that Intel has put its plans and ideas above that of the present race we are seeing with respect to pushing out the news of new controllers and SATA 3. They are very confident in their position in the SSD industry. I know I am going to date myself here but throughout our conversation, I remembered attending a Bachman Turner Overdrive concert years back because, without a doubt, ‘Baby, You Just Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet’.
Things are getting a bit behind here and I want to get some pictures in so let me just tell you a bit about ShowStoppers before I start my day. ShowStoppers was our last stop for the night and the only word to describe this is INNOVATION! The shopping channel has nothing on what we saw here and we will be doing a a separate page in upcoming weeks to detail some of the amazing products on display.

From a new GM concept vehicle, to a cell remote controlled ball, to a totally new take on ‘Etch-A-Sketch for electronics geeks, this place was mind blowing. Anyway, we have to be off again so I am going to take a few and try to squeeze some pictures in first!

ha! your new site editor is Asha Catari from RIFT, the upcoming MMO from Trion. =D beautiful model.