It doesn’t seem so long ago but it it was 2010 when SandForce teamed up with Intel to display the first working model of an SSD using Intel’s new 25nm NAND flash memory. That led to several very popular articles on TSSDR as it was the first clue that led us on the track of discovering that Intel would be teaming up with SandForce for their new 520 SSDs designs. Back then, nobody believed us and the amount of email condemning our reporting practices was overwhelming and educational, to say the least.
In a similar display, and without any future discoveries we are sure, LSI SandForce was the first to display a working model SSD with Toshiba’s new A19 NAND flash memory this week at FMS in Santa Clara. Toshiba has recognized this memory as being the smallest and fastest MLC memory available, being a 64Gb NAND die (94 square mm) with write speeds up to 25MB/s per die.
For consumer level SSDs, this memory promises to tackle the big three (price/performance and capacity) when it comes to retail SSD sales. Here is a look at a complete Toshiba A19nm wafer.
Lol…yup, I remember all the flak you caught regarding the Intel+SF prediction. Fwiw, I never doubted for a minute…all the clues were pretty clear, at least to me they were. Now I own 2 520’s…lol