GIGABYTE has been extremely aggressive with the new Z68 chipset and it’s very much out with the old and in with the new. Over the past few weeks the GIGABYTE Z68 boards have been the ones to show up a lot in corner stores for sale. And after hearing that they hope to achieve 80% of channel stocking at launch, it makes sense.
GIGABYTE have been in there words “aggressively stocking the channel with Z68 MBs for weeks now.” In no doubt a bit of a gentlemen’s agreement, they send to their distributors who send to the retail channel. GIGABYTE hope that it stops there until May 11 when the curtain is lifted on the new chipset and at that point the retail stores are ready to go. Unfortunately one store decides to sell beforehand and then someone else does and someone else does; you essentially get a snow ball effect of companies selling a product early.
Full story at Tweak Town.